Manuelle Therapie

Manual Therapy in the Private Orthopedic Practice - Dr. Shami 

In my Berlin practice, I offer Manual Therapy, which focuses on restoring the mobility of joints that are intact but functionally impaired. Postural and functional disorders can lead to stiffness in the spine, joints, fascia, and muscles. The goal of Manual Therapy is to gently release these complex stiffenings.

Our diagnosis and therapy are based on biomechanical and neurophysiological principles and are carried out preventively, curatively, and rehabilitatively by hand. Through specialized manual techniques and mobilization methods, we can increase mobility and alleviate pain. The Manual Therapy offered in my practice is a targeted, joint-friendly, and almost pain-free treatment method.

For the past 20 years, I have been recognized by the Berlin Medical Association as a physician for Manual Therapy, and I have extensive experience in applying this effective method. I practice it successfully and with passion in my private orthopedic practice in Berlin.

Schedule an appointment and experience how Manual Therapy can help you restore your mobility and alleviate pain in a gentle and effective manner

What is Manual Therapy? 

In my private orthopedic practice in Berlin Prenzlauer Berg, manual therapy involves a thorough clinical examination and treatment of painful functional disorders in the musculoskeletal system. As a method of physical movement therapy, it holds a firm place in modern conventional medicine and is scientifically recognized.

Key Characteristics of Manual Therapy

Manual therapy is characterized by specific mobilization and manipulation techniques, such as stretching or extending limbs and joints using traction stimuli (traction and extension treatment). This therapy is based on the knowledge that vertebrae can shift due to unusual stress, causing irritation to the surrounding nerves and leading to painful blockages. The goal of manual therapy is to eliminate these blockages.

Personalized Treatment Techniques

The hand techniques tailored to your complaints are used both to relieve pain and to mobilize movement restrictions. This approach is particularly effective when the complaints are caused by reversible functional disorders of the joint or the associated musculature. The selection of mobilization techniques is determined by a precise diagnosis, taking into account the restricted direction of movement and the shape of the affected joint. This is achieved through systematic preliminary examinations.

Comprehensive Care and Expertise

I am eager to help you with my many years of experience and knowledge. Visit my practice for comprehensive manual therapy and let us work together to find a path to your pain relief.

Schedule an appointment and experience the benefits of manual therapy in a personalized and professional setting.

How is Manual Therapy Applied? 

In my private orthopedic practice in Berlin-Prenzlauer Berg, I apply various techniques of manual therapy. After a thorough examination, I select the appropriate method or combination of methods that best suits your individual condition. I exclusively use recognized standard methods of manual therapy to provide you with the best possible treatment.

Let us find the path to your health and well-being together. Schedule an appointment to receive comprehensive and personalized treatment.

I look forward to helping you achieve optimal health and pain relief with my extensive experience and expertise in manual therapy.

Special Manual Medicine Examination and Treatment

Mobilization and Manipulation

In my orthopedic practice in Berlin Prenzlauer Berg, I begin with a thorough examination. During this process, I already use various manual techniques to identify functional disorders of the joints, muscles, and nerve structures. Gentle mobilization techniques can eliminate reversible movement disorders and relieve pain, allowing vertebral or extremity joints to return to their natural positions.

Persistent blockages can be very stubborn and often cannot be resolved through simple mobilizations. In such cases, after excluding contraindications, manipulation is necessary. This involves working with high speed and short range, producing the characteristic "crack." These special manipulation techniques should only be performed by appropriately trained specialists. I have completed extensive training for this purpose.


Manual Techniques

Using various manual techniques, I can quickly and forcefully move the affected body parts to resolve blockages (manipulative technique). Alternatively, slow stretching can gently improve mobility (mobilizing technique).

Traction Treatment

In my practice, I also offer extension or traction treatments. This involves applying targeted traction to the spine or individual joints, usually with the help of special devices. This technique relieves joint surfaces, stretches surrounding muscles, relieves nerves, and reduces pain. In the case of a herniated disc, the traction increases the space between the vertebrae, allowing the disc to return to its normal position.

Manual Muscle Treatments

Many restrictive muscle complaints can be successfully treated with manual muscle treatments. This form of manual therapy is very popular in my private orthopedic practice. Commonly used methods include post-isometric relaxation, transverse stretching, longitudinal stretching, fascial smoothing of the muscle fascia, and targeted treatment of trigger points.

Finding the Best Treatment Method

Let us find the best treatment method for your complaints together. Schedule an appointment in my practice in Berlin Prenzlauer Berg and experience the beneficial effects of manual therapy.

I look forward to helping you achieve optimal health and pain relief with my extensive experience and expertise in manual therapy.

What Conditions is Manual Therapy Used For? 

Manual therapy can be successfully used for a variety of conditions and complaints, as well as for different functional disorders of the musculoskeletal system. It can replace or effectively complement medication or surgical therapy.

Conditions Treated with Manual Therapy

In my private orthopedic practice in Berlin-Prenzlauer Berg, I use manual therapy for the following conditions:

Specific Indications for Extension Therapy

I am happy to provide advice by phone or in a personal consultation at my orthopedic practice in Berlin-Prenzlauer Berg regarding manual therapy and how it can help with your complaints.

Schedule an Appointment

Let's find the path to your health together. Schedule an appointment and let us work together to achieve your well-being.

When Should Manual Therapy Not Be Used? 

For manual therapy, it is crucial to ensure that there are no acute spinal injuries. Such injuries can include fractures, burns, infections, or metastases.

In my private orthopedic practice in Berlin-Prenzlauer Berg, I thoroughly assess whether manual therapy is suitable for your individual condition through detailed consultations, comprehensive examinations, and analysis of laboratory values.

Comprehensive Assessment

We will discuss your medical history and symptoms in depth, conduct thorough physical examinations, and review any relevant lab results to determine if manual therapy is the right treatment for you.

Schedule an Appointment

Let us find out together if manual therapy is the right treatment method for you. Schedule an appointment for a comprehensive consultation and examination.

I look forward to helping you achieve optimal health and pain relief with my extensive experience and expertise in manual therapy.

After Your Treatment with Manual Therapy

Once your symptoms have subsided through manual therapy, it is important to actively work to prevent their recurrence. I will discuss with you individually what is best suited to achieve a sustainable result. Often, I recommend regular exercise to strengthen the musculoskeletal system and avoid future functional disorders. This helps to maintain the effects of manual therapy long-term.

Feel free to reach out to me after your manual therapy treatment in my private orthopedic practice in Berlin for tips, special recommendations, and to address any questions you may have.

Schedule an Appointment

Let's work together on your health and well-being. Schedule an appointment and let us find the best way to maintain your progress and ensure lasting relief. 

Qualifications in Manual Therapy 

In my private orthopedic practice in Berlin, I treat you according to the latest scientific findings and the highest quality standards. For 20 years, I have been recognized by the Berlin Medical Association as a physician for manual therapy. This recognition was achieved through extensive advanced training.

Manual medicine has been a protected additional designation for physicians offering manual treatments in Germany since 1976. To hold this additional designation, one must complete training recognized by the respective state medical association.

Trust in Experience and Knowledge

Rely on my many years of experience and in-depth expertise. Schedule an appointment at my practice, and let's work together on your health.

I look forward to helping you achieve optimal health and pain relief with my extensive experience and expertise in manual therapy